BoomTownROI Notification Forwarding

HomeAhead can automatically forward all notifications to your BoomTownROI account which updates existing leads with their activity within the Wishlist.

To get started, login to your BoomtownROI account and expand the left menu.
Under Tools, click 'Auto-Import Leads'

Click the Get Started button under Supported Lead Sources (the box will expand).

Click COPY to the right of the unique forwarding email address.

Send an email to "[email protected]" or your account representative with:

Subject: Add forwarding address
Body: Please forward all notifications to: [paste copied forwarding address here]
My HomeAhead Wishlist account email is: [insert your HomeAhead Wishlist login email]

*I understand that all notifications under my account will also be sent to the forwarding address irregardless of my account notifications settings.*

[End Email]

Once the forwarding address is set on your account, you will receive a confirmation email.

To remove a forwarding address, please send an email to [email protected].

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